Firm Covenant of the Ethereal Nexus

Patron: Court of Stars

This pact beckons those who seek to navigate the intricate web of the ethereal realms. It grants the wielder mastery over the ephemeral energies of the ethereal plane, gaining the tools to allow them to traverse its depths and manipulate its otherworldly powers to their advantage.

Table: Spell-Like Abilities Acquired

Spell-Like AbilitySpell Slot Sacrificed / Spell-Like Ability Daily Uses
1stProtection From Alignment1/day2/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day
2ndResist Energy1/day2/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day
4thDimension Door1/day2/day3/day3/day3/day3/day
7thPlane Shift1/day2/day