Twilight Embraces a Whispering Shadow

Patron: Shadow Court

Twilight beckons those who immerse themselves in the subtle dance between light and darkness, forging a bond with the elusive whispers that lurk within the two realms. This pact grants the wielder mastery over the delicate balance of shifting light, creating a tapestry of secrets veiled within the twilight’s embrace.


Table: Spell-Like Abilities Acquired

Spell-Like AbilitySpell Slot Sacrificed / Spell-Like Ability Daily Uses
1stDark Whispers1/day2/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day
4thShadow Step1/day2/day3/day3/day3/day3/day
6thShadow Walk1/day2/day3/day3/day
7thHungry Darkness1/day2/day