Character Creation Overview

The following is an overview of the character creation process. You will follow each of these steps in order when creating a new character.

0) Get Some Dice!

You will need a set of polynomial dice to create your character and to play the game. We recommend having several sets, to make sure you have enough.

And Grab a Character Sheet!

You can use an online sheet, a downloaded PDF, or for a true old-school feel, a standard piece of lined paper, whichever is most convenient for you and agreeable with your GM. Many GMs like to be able to refer to a player’s character sheet between sessions, so it is more common now to use some sort of online resource but use whatever works for you and your GM. There are even nice character generator programs available, many for FREE!

1) Determine Ability Scores

Start by generating your character’s ability scores. These six scores determine your character’s most basic attributes and are used to decide a wide variety of details and statistics. There are several methods to choose from for generating these scores, so consult your GM to determine which method is being used.

See Generating Ability Scores.

2) Choose a Race

Next, pick your character’s race, noting any modifiers to your ability scores and any other racial traits. Each race lists the languages your character automatically knows, as well as a number of bonus languages. A character knows a number of additional bonus languages equal to his or her Intelligence modifier.

See Races.

3) Choose a Class

A character’s class represents a profession, such as fighter or wizard. A new character starts at 1st level in the chosen class. As a character that gains experience points (XP) for vanquishing monsters, defeating traps, and overcoming obstacles goes up in level, gaining new powers and abilities.

See Classes.

4) Spend Skill Points

Determine the number of skill points possessed by your character, based on chosen class and Intelligence modifier (and any other bonuses, such as the bonus received by humans, half-elves, and half-orcs). Then spend these points on skills, but remember that you cannot have more ranks than your level in any one skill (for a starting character, this is usually one). Each rank in a skill typically costs 1 skill point. However, some skills are considered “cross class” and are more difficult to train, costing your character 2 skill points for every rank in that skill.

See Skills.

5) Pick Feats

Determine how many feats your character receives, based on race, class, and level, then select them from those presented in Feats. Many feats have prerequisites which must be met before you can select them.

See Feats.

6) Buy Equipment

Each new character begins the game with an amount of gold, based on chosen class, that can be spent on a wide range of equipment and gear, from armor to backpacks. This gear helps your character survive while adventuring. Generally speaking, you cannot use this starting money to buy magic items without the consent of your GM.

See Equipment.

7) Finishing Details

Finally, you need to determine all of a character’s details, including starting hit points (hp), Armor Class (AC), saving throws, initiative modifier, and attack values. All of these numbers are determined by the decisions made in previous steps.

Aside from these, you need to decide on your character’s name, alignment, and physical appearance. It is best to jot down a few personality traits as well, to help you play the character during the game.

Any additional systems in play, such as Starting Occupations or Ancestral Bloodlines, should be addressed at this stage.