Oropus, the Carousing Merchant Lord

Oropus's holy symbol is a balancing scale weighing grapes against coins.
Oropus's holy symbol: a brass balancing scale, a bunch of grapes on the left and gold coins on the right
Open Game Content
Intermediate Deity
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Madness, royalty, potent potables, revelry, wealth.
Domains: Artifice (Alchemy)
Favored Weapon: Light Hammer

Though recognized as a deity by most religions, Oropus does not have a wide following due largely to the practices of his followers. As the deity of madness, revelry, and drunkenness, religious rites tend to be a bit extreme, often causing property damage and grievous personal harm when worshipers become particularly fervent.

Oropus has many secret worshipers, particularly among nobility and the wealthy elite who form powerful secret societies, abandoning all propriety to worship behind closed doors while maintaining a facade of respectable moral authority in public. Among his less powerful worshipers, Oropus tends to draw the downtrodden, those who lose themselves to alcohol, drugs, and addiction, as well as those who crave wealth above all but seem unable to hold it once they attain it.

Worship of Oropus is seen as offensive in polite society while more strictly conservative regimes may outlaw it entirely. As a result, Oropus has very few clerics while maintaining a large following of devout cultists. Worship styles vary drastically between different sects, but entry into his secret mysteries always involves imbibing some form of mind altering substance followed by heavy drinking, feasting, and other forms of revelry.

When not engaged in rites of worship, Oropus expects his followers to be contributing members of society, to the best of their abilities. As such, even his most hedonistic followers may be upstanding businessmen, powerful guild leaders, nobles, or just decent, hardworking laborers that display no hint of their ritualistic carousing.