Solaron, Heart of the Sun

Solaron's holy symbol is a radiant sunburst inside a golden lantern.
Solaron’s holy symbol: a radiant sunburst contained within a golden lantern
Open Game Content
Greater Deity
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Sun, light, joy, hope
Domains: Sun, Glory, Joy, Freedom, Life
Favored Weapon: Heavy Mace

Solaron is the divine embodiment of TrueLight, the source of all that is pure, good, and holy. His very nature drives away Darkness. Where other gods may have forms similar to those who worship them, Solaron exists only as pure Light. All that the light touches is caressed by the hand of Solaron, for his presence exists in every source of light.

Solaron teaches that the best way to defeat evil is through the gentle persuasion of the Light, for Light by its very nature drives away Darkness. He teaches his followers to share joy, laughter, and good will to those in need. To love your enemy is to show them the truth of the Light.

Few individuals worship Solaron individually, and there are no major organized groups that do so. Those few who follow Solaron exclusively do so on a very personal level. Most who worship Solaron are members of The Church of Light.

Recognized Sects

The Church of Light
Benediction of Glory
