Design Notes: The Psychic Capacitor

The psychic capacitor is a Specialist Class that is simple in concept: turning the character into a capacitor that stores and super charges psionic power points.

More Power Points!

The class needs Psionic Talent to enter, which gives additional power points.

Psychic capacitor class levels stack for manifester level (but not actual manifesting) which increases bonus power points from high ability scores as well as the max number of pp that can be spent on manifesting a power.

Psychic Reserve

This is basically a second reserve of power points, which means more power points. Sort of. It doesn’t recharge daily the way that normal power points do; however, power points can be stored in it for later, much like a cognizance crystal.

Maximum capacity here is 3 pp/level, which is 9 pp at 3rd level.

High Capacitance

When charging up your psychic reserve (a cognizance crystal), 1 pp = 2 pp, effectively doubling your power points, assuming you have the time and extra actions to charge your psychic reserve.


It’s like Overchannel and wild surge but different. More like Overchannel than wild surge, since you still have to spend pp, they just have to come from your psychic reserve rather than your normal reserve.