Fire Elemental

Those who bear elemental fire within their veins are often high-strung and quick-tempered. Their eyes often seem to glow like embers, and their skin may take on a reddish hue.

Fire Elemental Bloodline
1st+2 on Acrobatics checks
2nd+2 on Acrobatics checksDodge
3rdDexterity +1
4th+2 on Acrobatics checksDodgePyrotechnics 1/day (Sp)
5thFire elemental affinity +2
6thDexterity +1Mobility
7th+2 on Perception checks
8thDodgePyrotechnics 1/day (Sp)Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)
9thConstitution +1
10thFire elemental affinity +2Spring Attack
11thFire elemental affinity +4
12thDexterity +1MobilityBurn 1d6 (Ex)
13th+2 on Natural Lore checks
14th+2 on Perception checksSpringing Assault
15thStrength +1
16thPyrotechnics 1/day (Sp)Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)Immunity to fire (Ex)
17thFire elemental affinity +6
18thConstitution +1+1 to natural armor
19th+2 on Athletics checks
20thFire elemental affinity +2Spring AttackDamage reduction 5/—