Scales of the Drake

[Enhanced (chain shirt); See text]

Class:Dragon's Raiment
Chakra: Chest

Weaving this veil coats your skin in a glimmering mesh of translucent dragon scales that ward you from harm and protect you from the elements.

When you weave this veil, it gains the descriptor of your Draconic Element. If you do not possess a draconic element, choose an energy type (cold, fire, acid, electricity). This becomes your draconic element.

The scales created by this veil take on the color of a dragon with a breath weapon matching that element (gold or red for fire, blue for electricity, and so forth).

Table: Armor and Shields
Max Dex
A. Spell
Light Armor
Chain Shirt+31+4-20%25 lb.

This veil functions as a chain shirt, save that it cannot be removed, has an Arcane Spell Failure chance of 0%, and is not considered to be made of metal.

In addition to functioning as armor, theis veil also grants you resistance 3 to your draconic element or an increase to your existing resistance to that element by the same amount.

If you become affected by a polymorph effect that would merge your armor with your body, the scales instead change their shape to fit your new shape.


For each point of essence invested in this veil, the energy resistance granted by the scales increases by 3. For every two points invested, the Maximum Dexterity Bonus increases by +1, and the Armor Check Penalty is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Chakra Bind (Chest)

Binding this veil to your Chest chakra further empowers your scales, imbuing them with elemental energies that radiate outwards in a destructive penumbra. You gain a 5-foot radius aura of elemental energy matching your draconic element.

At the beginning of each of your turns, all enemies within this area take 1d6 points of energy damage of your draconic element. For each point of essence invested in this veil, this damage increases by 1d6.

For every two points invested, the range of this aura increases by 5 feet.