The Astral

[Psionic, Title]

Chakra: Neck, Wrist

A thin sheen of ectoplasm covers the Astral’s skin as psionic energy infuses them.

The entitled gains the benefit of one option from Astral Construct Menu A.

If the veilweaver possesses the Boost Construct feat, the entitled gains one additional option from Menu A.


The entitled gains a psionic bonus on all saves against mind-affecting effects, poison, and disease equal to the amount of invested essence.

Chakra Bind (Wrist)

When bound to the Wrists chakra, the entitled gains the benefit of one option from Astral Construct Menu B in place of the option from Menu A. Alternatively, they can exchange this option for two choices from Menu A.

The extra option from the Boost Construct feat (if any) must still come from Menu A.

Chakra Bind (Neck)

When bound to the Wrists chakra, the entitled gains the benefit of one option from Astral Construct Menu C in place of the option from Menu A. Alternatively, they can exchange this option for two choices from Menu B. (One or both of the Menu B choices can be swapped for two choices from Menu A.)

The extra option from the Boost Construct feat (if any) may come from Menu B or be exchanged for two options from Menu A.