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0-Level Powers (Psionic Talents)

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Psionic Talents are 0-level psionic powers that are powered by psionic focus rather than power points. These abilities give manifesters minor abilities that can be used at-will, but typically have very limited functionality or use.

A manifester may manifest any talent that he knows without paying power points as long as he maintains his psionic focus while manifesting the talent. Alternatively, if a manifester does not have psionic focus or simply chooses to do so, they may manifest a talent by paying one power point.

If a talent has a duration longer than instantaneous, he can only have one such talent active at a time; manifesting another talent without paying power points in this manner causes the original talent to immediately expire. Talents manifested using a power point are not limited in this way.

When manifesting talents that can be augmented, a manifester must pay any power points necessary for augmenting the talent regardless of which method is used to manifest the power.

A manifester who runs out of power points is unable to manifest talents, because he cannot become psionically focused.

Manifesters select talents from their class’s power list.

All Psionic Talents