Earth Trembles with Fire and Rage

Patrons: Gold Dragon, Red Dragon

The earth is slow to anger, but the fury of your flames provoke it into action, burning and consuming all who trespass with destructive eruptions of flame and stone.

Table: Spell-Like Abilities Acquired

Spell-Like AbilitySpell Slot Sacrificed / Spell-Like Ability Daily Uses
1stBurning Hands1/day2/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day
2ndTremor Blast1/day2/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day3/day
4thVolcanic Storm1/day2/day3/day3/day3/day3/day
5thFlame Strike1/day2/day3/day3/day
7thFire Storm1/day2/day