Black Seraph

The secrets of the Black Seraph discipline are taught by possessing fiends and demonic tutors to their pawns as a way of enticing fools who desire power into learning their secrets or the occasional few with wills strong enough to tear those secrets from their infernal prisoners. Not ones to blanch at the thought of fighting dirty, Black Seraph disciples are quite content to injure their foes in any way that they can to ensure their victory. This discipline focuses on powerful, straightforward two-handed strikes and vicious counters as well as intimidation, pain-infliction, and dirty fighting.

The discipline of Black Seraph is a supernatural discipline and all techniques within are considered supernatural abilities and follow the rules and restrictions of such. Many abilities in this discipline carry the [evil] descriptor, but not all of them.

Key Skill: Intimidate.
Discipline Weapons: Axe, Flail, and Polearm.

Profane Damage

Profane damage comes from attacks that are heavily infused with the power of sheer Evil and carry this unholy power over as a form of harmful energy to good-aligned beings. Profane damage deals full damage to incorporeal targets and deals damage as if the weapon were evil-aligned. As this is a type of energy damage, it automatically bypasses all damage reduction.

Black Seraph Techniques