Every martial technique belongs one of the martial disciplines, which are listed below. The techniques in a discipline are usually linked by common effects, philosophies, or functions. Each martial discipline is presented in a standard format.
Martial Discipline Descriptions
The first line of every discipline description gives the name by which the discipline is generally known.
Descriptive Text
The following paragraph(s) give an overview of the martial discipline, its history, and methods, and general philosophy of combat.
Key Skill
Each martial discipline possesses a key skill. This skill is often used in unique ways by the techniques associated with this discipline. When you gain access to a discipline through a martial arts class, you gain its key skill as a class skill for that class.
Discipline Weapons
These are the weapon groups associated with a particular discipline. These are the weapons that the discipline’s techniques are designed to use. Some techniques, feats, or other abilities may only function when wielding a weapon associated with the martial discipline; however, most techniques function just fine with almost any weapon.
Discipline Special Rules
This section or sections describe special rules that apply to techniques from the martial discipline. Not every discipline will have special rules while others may have multiple special rules. It’s important to take note of when specific rules apply to your martial techniques.