Skill Feats

Skill feats give a bonus to a skill or expand on the uses of a skill. Some skill feats also grant access to a skill as a class skill.

Skill Feats


AcademicGain a +2 bonus on all Academics checks and other benefits.
Research ScholarYou gain a +6 bonus on Int- or Wis-based skills.
AcrobaticGain a +2 bonus on all Acrobatics checks and other benefits.
AlertnessGain a +2 bonus on all Perception checks and other benefits.
Ever VigilantPotentially negate the penalties for being flat-footed.
Animal AffinityGain a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal checks and other benefits.
ArcanistGain a +2 bonus on all Arcane Lore checks and other benefits.
AthleticGain a +2 bonus on all Athletics checks and other benefits.
BrewmasterYou can concoct potent brews.
Casual IllusionistYour innate magic allows you to create minor illusions to enhance your deceptions.
Cat's FallYou take less damage on a fall and always land on your feet.
DeceitfulGain a +2 bonus on all Deception checks and other benefits.
DisciplinedGain a +1 bonus Will saves and a +2 bonus on concentration checks.
EngineerGain a +2 bonus on all Engineering checks and other benefits.
Exceptionally SkilledYou are able to learn new skills more easily than others.
Expanded Skill SpecialtiesYou are particularly adept with a skill, gaining an additional skill specialty.
Fast LearnerYou possess extra versatility when learning skills.
Fey RhetoricYou have inherited the fey proclivity for saying one thing while meaning another.
Fiend's Silver TongueYour eloquence is perfectly suited towards deceiving others.
HealerGain a +2 bonus on all Heal checks and other benefits.
InquisitorYou know when others lie.
InsightfulGain a +2 bonus on all Insight checks and other benefits.
Eyes to See, Ears to HearGain a significant bonus on an Insight check.
IntimidatingGain a +2 bonus on all Intimidate checks and other benefits.
Oni's GlareYou can bluff opponents with Intimidate.
LinguistGain a +2 bonus on all Linguistics checks and other benefits.
Man-at-ArmsGain a +2 bonus on all Arms Lore checks and other benefits.
Mental LeapYou can make amazing jumps.
NaturalistGain a +2 bonus on all Natural Lore checks and other benefits.
Open MindedYou are naturally able to improve your memory, mind, and skill expertise.
PerformerGain a +2 bonus on all Perform checks and other benefits.
PersuasiveGain a +2 bonus on all Persuasion checks and other benefits.
Distracting CountenanceInflict enemies with a penalty on Charisma-based skills.
ProfessionalGain a +2 bonus on all Profession checks and other benefits.
PsychicGain a +2 bonus on all Psi Lore checks and other benefits.
Quick ReactionsGain a +1 bonus Reflex saves and Acrobatics checks.
Robust PhysiqueGain a +1 bonus Fortitude saves and Athletics checks.
Skilled RagerWith practice, you’ve mastered your rage to allow yourself more versatility.
StealthyGain a +2 bonus on all Stealth checks and other benefits.
TheologianGain a +2 bonus on all Theology checks and other benefits.
TrackYou are skilled in following even the most obscured tracks.
Urban TrackingYou can track the location of missing persons or wanted individuals within communities.
UrbaniteGain a +2 bonus on all Streetwise checks and other benefits.
Wild SensesYou have heightened senses and awareness.
Wyrm's WisdomYou tap into the wisdom of the great wyrms, the oldest of dragons.