

Some feats have prerequisites. Your character must have the indicated ability score, class feature, feat, skill, base attack bonus, or other quality designated in order to select or use that feat. A character can gain a feat at the same level at which he or she gains the prerequisite.

A character can’t use a feat if he or she has lost a prerequisite.

Types Of Feats

Some feats are General in nature, meaning that no special rules govern them as a group. Some feats that would be considered General rely on certain systems or abilities to function properly, so are categorized by their system for convenience and clarity. This includes categories such as Spellcasting and Veilweaving, neither of which necessarily require use of those systems but don’t function well for characters who do not cast spells or weave veils. Combat Feats are also primarily General feats focused on fighting with weapons, but they are also available as bonus feats for some classes.

Other feats have special rules specific to their feat type. For example, Item Creation Feats allow spellcasters to create magic items of all sorts and follow standard rules for item creation which apply to all such feats. A Metamagic Feat lets a spellcaster prepare and cast a spell with greater effect, albeit as if the spell were a higher spell level than it actually is, while a Metapsionic Feat does the same for a psionic manifester. Heritage Feats (as well as Draconic, Fey, and others) are available to characters with a unique racial heritage. Faith and Heroic Feats both add a new system, giving characters a resource they can spend for special abilities.

It’s important to note which category or categories a feat belongs to, as that may affect the exact rules that govern gaining or using the feat.

Feat Descriptions

General Feats


Ability FocusYou improve the save DC of a special attack.
Beneficial MutationYou gain 3 Mutation Points.
Cloak DanceYou are skilled at using optical tricks to make yourself seem to be where you are not.
Deadly Precision You empty your mind of all distracting emotion, becoming an instrument of deadly precision.
EnduranceYou have great endurance.
DiehardYou can continue to fight even while gravely injured.
UndyingAny injury that doesn't kill you seemingly has no effect on you.
Never SurrenderYou continue to fight even when all seems lost.
Essence RejectionYour body naturally rejects the power of akashic energy, giving you increased resistance to it.
Essence VoidYour soul devours akashic magic, swallowing up its power.
Expanded Rogue TalentsYou have learned how to perform an additional rogue talent.
Extra Healing PotencyThe size of your class healing pool is increased.
Eyes In The Back Of Your HeadYou cannot be flanked.
Focused ResearcherYou are extremely focused on researching new and unusual magics.
Great FortitudeYou get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.
Improved MultiattackYour natural weapons are exceptionally deadly.
Improved Natural ArmorYour natural armor increases.
Improved Natural AttackYour natural weapons deal more damage.
Iron WillYou get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws.
Force Of WillYou are able to resist special attacks with extreme force of will.
LeadershipYou attract followers to your cause and a companion to join you on your adventures.
Lightning ReflexesYou get a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.
Member of the HiveYou become a member of the athik hive and gain some of their racial traits
Mind Over BodyYour ability damage heals more rapidly.
Nimble MovesYou can move across a single obstacle with ease.
Acrobatic StepsYou can easily move over and through obstacles.
Rapid Metabolism Your wounds heal rapidly.
RunYou are fleet of foot.
Fleet Of FootYou can rapidly change directions without slowing down.
Swift StrideYour land speed increases. Your mount is also faster.
Stabilized Runic FocusThe charge held by your runic focus becomes more stable.
Runic Focus CapacitorYou improve your runic focus with an arcane capacitor, storing more energy.
ToughnessYou gain additional hit points.

Aberrant Feats


Aberrant BloodlineYou gain unnatural mutations as a result of your heritage.
Aberrant BodyAs your body warps, it becomes increasingly durable.
Additional EvolutionYou forcefully evolve one of your mutations.
Anomalous Wild ShapeYour wild shape forms are warped by your aberrant heritage.
Cancerous FamiliarGain a sentient tumor as a familiar.
Carrion ScavengerYou possess an iron gut that can digest almost anything organic.
Ductile LimbsYour elastic limbs stretch and bend in disturbing ways.
Malleable FleshYour aberrant blood causes your body to warp more easily than normal.
Metamorphic BloodlineYour body anomalously warps to become similar to another type of creature.
Physical DeformityYour body is warped, causing you to suffer but also granting you unusual abilities.
Tainted IntegumentYour tainted flesh is tough and resilient to damage.
Tentacled HorrorYour body writhes with a mass of foul tentacles.
Horrific ConsumptionYour aberration blood has driven you to begin consuming brains.
Unnatural MutationYour physiology warps into a disturbing new form.
VeilspawnAkasha flows naturally through your body, reinforcing your aberrant powers.
Warped TalentThe warping of your mind unlocks psionic talent.
Mad PowerAs your mind twists, bouts of madness unlock additional psionic power
Vestigial WingsYou possess a pair of weak, nonfunctional wings.
Aerial WingsYour wings have strengthened to the point of allowing flight.

Akashic Feats


Akasha-Imbued BodyThe akasha within you coats your bones and infuses your muscles, making you more resilient.
Akasha-Infused ChannelingYou use the power of akasha to strengthen your use of channel divinity.
Akasha-Infused ShiftingYou channel akasha to empower your wild shift.
Akasha-Infused SpellsYou gain the ability to invest essence directly into the spells you cast.
Akashic ArmoryYour enhanced veils reside in an ephemeral armory, allowing you to call them to hand instantly.
Akashic AugmentationYou use akasha to augment your psionic powers.
Akashic AuraYou have learned to invest your essence to grow the radius of your auras.
Akashic ChargeYou use akasha to amplify your damage when making a charge attack.
Akashic ResolveAkashic energy fortifies your resolve, allowing you to shrug off damage.
Akashic TalentYou use akasha to gain additional power points.
Bestial SensesYour primal nature combined with akasha grants you exceptionally sharp senses.
Blurring FeintYou can use diffused akasha to make your form appear hazy.
Chakric CriticalYou can focus your essence to grant you more precise and deadly critical strikes.
Chakric PowerYou can focus your essence to grant yourself enhanced attacks.
Chakric TargetingYou can focus your essence to grant yourself enhanced ranged attacks.
Chthonic Akasha AcolyteYou have learned to use the dark and often vile chthonic energies with your veils.
Chthonic RageYou can channel chthonic akasha to enhance your rage.
Chthonic StrikeYou can channel chthonic akasha to enhance your precision-based damage.
Empyrean FortitudeYou use essence to empower your fortitude.
Empyrean ReflexesYou use essence to empower your reflexes.
Empyrean WillYou use essence to empower your will.
Essence ExpertiseYou can focus your essence to grant yourself enhanced defenses.
Essence FocusYou blend the power of akasha and the mind to quickly regain your psionic focus.
Essence of MovementYou flow through the battlefield, nimbly evading the blows of your enemies.
Essence-Bound DisciplineYou can channel akasha to improve your skill with a chosen martial discipline.
Flow of BattleYou can reallocate essence when you enter a martial stance or initiate a maneuver.
Healing AkashaYou use akasha to heal your wounds.
Huntsman's AcumenAkashic energy gives you greater insight in fighting your favored enemies.
Ouranic Akasha AcolyteYou have learned to use pure ouranic energies with your veils.
Ouranic HealingYou use ouranic akasha to enhance your ability to heal.
Ouranic ZealYou use ouranic akasha to enhance your zeal and ability to smite your foes.
Radiant Dawn StyleYour martial abilities are laden with restorative akasha.
Radiant SunlightAkasha that cannot heal will become a potent shield.
Radiant DaybreakYour akasha hardens the body, mind, and soul.
Radiant ProgressionBy aligning yourself with the sun, you can gain powerful effects.
Selective VeilsYou learn to weave your veils in a way that reduces their effects against trusted allies.
Shift VeilYou have learned to rapidly unravel a veil to shift and weave its energy into a new form.
VeilspawnAkasha flows naturally through your body, reinforcing your aberrant powers.

Aura Feats


Akashic AuraYou have learned to invest your essence to grow the radius of your auras.
Draconic AuraCreate a magical aura affecting those within 30 feet.
Empower AuraBy focusing additional magic into your auras, you boost their strength for a time.
Expanded Auras KnownYou learn to project an additional aura.
Heroic Empower AuraYou are able to boost the strength of your auras for a time.
Infernal AuraYour fiendish power inspires primal fear in those you threaten.
Surging AuraYour wild surge enhances the aim of nearby allies.
Widen AuraBy focusing your will, you can increase the range of your auras for a time.

Celestial Feats


Planar BloodlineYou can trace your heritage to a creature native to the outer planes.
Celestial Aura of ProtectionYou possess a protective aura, much like the angels above.
Celestial BloodYour blood contains traces of holy power.
Celestial Body Your celestial nature reinforces your body.
Celestial GlowYou can produce a facsimile of the light of the heavens.
Celestial FlashYou focus your light into a flash of power, burning your enemies.
Celestial ZealYour zealous nature allows you to bring those who commit evil to justice.
Elysian HealingBy channeling celestial power, you can heal an ally's wounds.
Heavenly Resilience Celestial power protects you from harm.
Heavenly ResistanceYour celestial blood protects you from energy damage.
Vestigial WingsYou possess a pair of weak, nonfunctional wings.
Aerial WingsYour wings have strengthened to the point of allowing flight.

Combat Feats


Akashic ChargeYou use akasha to amplify your damage when making a charge attack.
Animus HealingYou can channel your animus into healing energies.
Arcane Armor TrainingYou have learned how to cast spells while wearing armor.
Arcane StrikeYou draw upon your arcane power to enhance your weapons with magical energy.
Armor Focus You have focused your training on a particular category of armor.
Armor SpecializationYour specialized type of armor better protects you and is easier to wear.
Armor ProficiencyYou gain proficiency with a category of armor.
Awakened AnimusYou can use mental power to modulate the roiling energies within your soul.
Blind-FightReroll miss chance due to concealmeant and reduce vision-related penalties.
Blind ShotReroll miss chance for ranged attacks and reduce vision-related penalties.
Chakric CriticalYou can focus your essence to grant you more precise and deadly critical strikes.
Combat ExpertiseYou are adept at defending yourself in battle.
Essence ExpertiseYou can focus your essence to grant yourself enhanced defenses.
Horde DefenseYou have trained to fight against a horde of enemies.
Improved DisarmYou are skilled at knocking weapons from a foe’s grasp.
Greater DisarmYou can knock weapons far from an enemy’s grasp.
Improved FeintYou are adept at feinting in combat.
Blurring FeintYou can use diffused akasha to make your form appear hazy.
Greater FeintYou are skilled at making foes overreact to your feints.
Psionic FeintA flash of insight allows you to quickly throw your opponent off balance.
Improved RepositionYou have learned how to force your enemies to move around the battlefield.
Improved TripYou are adept at knocking down your enemies in battle.
Greater TripYou can make free attacks on foes that you knock down.
Selfless DefenderYou can defend others at your own expense.
Combat ReflexesYour trained reflexes allow you to strike at every opening an opponent gives you.
Hold The LineYou can make attacks of opportunity against an opponent that charges you.
Strike At the HeartGain attack of opportunity against readied actions.
Whirlwind AttackYou quickly strike all enemies around you.
Maelstrom AttackYou strike all nearby enemies multiple times.
Critical FocusYou are trained in the art of causing pain.
Bleeding CriticalYour critical hits cause opponents to bleed profusely.
Deadly AimYou can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by pinpointing a foe’s weak spot.
Chakric TargetingYou can focus your essence to grant yourself enhanced ranged attacks.
Discipline Style MasteryYou can use one discipline style at the same time as another fighting style.
DisruptiveYour training makes it difficult for enemy spellcasters to safely cast spells near you.
SpellbreakerYou can strike at enemy spellcasters who fail to cast defensively when you threaten them.
DodgeYou receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class.
Elusive TargetYou duck and weave constantly, your fluid motions making you difficult to target.
Evasive OffensiveBy ducking, weaving, and distracting your foes, you are able to defend yourself in battle.
Improved Evasive OffensiveYou improve your ability to avoid attacks in combat.
MobilityYou easily evade attacks as move across the battlefield.
Evasive RollYou can defensively roll to evade attacks.
Shot On The RunYou use your mobility to avoid enemies while shooting at them.
Spring AttackYou use your mobility to attack then quickly escape.
Springing AssaultYou use your mobility to attack, leaving a path of destruction in your wake.
Psionic Dodge You are proficient at dodging blows.
Sidestep ChargeYou are skilled at dodging opponents and taking advantage when they miss.
Essence-Bound DisciplineYou can channel akasha to improve your skill with a chosen martial discipline.
Extra AnimusYour reserves of animus are stronger.
Far ShotYou have good accuracy, even at long range.
Fatal StrikeYour strongest attacks are more likely to slay your foes.
Flow of BattleYou can reallocate essence when you enter a martial stance or initiate a maneuver.
Fuse StylesYou are capable of mingling mundane and martial combat styles with your ki.
Improved CriticalDouble critical threat range of a chosen weapon.
Critical RefocusYour critical hits recharge your expended psionic focus.
Improved Damage ThresholdYou are more resistant to massive damage.
Improved InitiativeGain a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
Improved ResolveYou are able to withstand greater damage before faltering.
Improved Unarmed StrikeYour unarmed strikes deal lethal damage and deal more damage.
Deflect ArrowsYou may deflect attacks from ranged weapons.
Snatch ArrowsYou can snatch ranged attacks right out of the air.
Driving PunchWhen charging, your punch deals increased damage.
Feral Combat TrainingYou were taught a style of martial arts that relies on your natural weapons.
Greater Unarmed StrikeYour unarmed strikes deal increased damage.
Hex StrikeChanting and cursing, you put a hex on your enemy as part of your unarmed strike.
Improved GrappleGain +2 on Grapple checks and negate the attack of opportunity.
Greater GrappleMaintaining a grapple is second nature to you.
Knockout PunchYou learn to take an opponent out with one punch.
Improved Knockout PunchYou your knockout punch deals considerably more damage.
Street FighterYour penchant for street fighting has taught you how to get in a dirty strike.
Improved Street FighterYou've incorporated dirty fighting into all of your attacks.
Stunning FistYou know just where to strike to temporarily stun a foe.
Iron GripYou easily wield larger weapons without difficulty, swinging them about with ease.
Steel GripYou can wield larger weapons as easily as if they were made for you.
Let Them ComeYou may brace any melee weapon against a charge.
ManyshotLoose multiple arrows with a single attack.
Greater ManyshotYou are skilled at firing many arrows at once, even at different opponents.
Martial Arts TrainingYou learn and can ready new martial techniques.
Recover ManeuverRecover your expended maneuvers in the middle of battle.
Martial PowerYou are able to call upon reserves of untapped power within yourself for defense.
Monastic LegacyYour formal unarmed training continues to bolster your training in other areas.
Mounted CombatYou are able to protect your mount in battle.
Mounted ArcheryYou have adapted to shooting your bow while riding.
Ride-By AttackYou may charge past foes while mounted, attacking them as you move.
Spirited ChargeWhen riding a charging mount, your attacks deal greater damage.
Strike from on HighMake an attack of opportunity when attacked while mounted.
TrampleYou have trained your mount to stomp enemies into the ground.
My Enemies Will FallEach attack that fails to kill an enemy grants bonus damage.
Power AttackYou can trade accuracy for increased weapon damage.
Chakric PowerYou can focus your essence to grant yourself enhanced attacks.
CleaveYour powerful attacks can cut through more than one opponent.
Cleave ThroughYou can take a 5-ft. step while cleaving through opponents.
Great CleaveYour powerful swings can tear through multiple enemies.
Storm RisingYou gain attack bonuses on successful cleave attacks.
Whirlwind CleaveYou cleave through enemies with wild abandon.
Improved Bull RushGain +2 on Bull Rush checks and negate the attack of opportunity.
Awesome BlowYou use your size and strength to knock enemies away.
Greater Bull RushYour bull rush attacks throw enemies off balance.
Takedown RushKnock down your foe after a bull rush.
Wrathful BlowYou can knock away opponents with a powerful attack.
Improved DragYou are skilled at dragging foes around the battlefield.
Greater DragFoes that you drag are thrown out of balance.
Improved OverrunYou are skilled at running down your foes.
Greater OverrunEnemies must dive to avoid your dangerous move.
Improved SunderYou are skilled at damaging your foes’ weapons and armor.
Focused Sunder You can sense the stress points on others' weapons.
Greater SunderYour strikes smash through weapons and armor, damaging the item and its wielder alike.
Momentum ChargeYour charge attack deals more damage the farther you move.
Reckless RageYour boundless rage grants your blows extra strength, though at the expense of accuracy.
Precise ShotYou can shoot into melee without suffering an attack penalty.
Improved Precise ShotYour ranged attacks pierce cover and concealment and have increased accuracy.
Greater Precise ShotYou can shoot through cover and concealment without issue and are accurate at extreme range.
Quick DrawYou can quickly draw sheathed weapons.
Radiant ProgressionBy aligning yourself with the sun, you can gain powerful effects.
Rapid ReloadYou reload crossbows much more quickly than normal.
Crossbow MasteryYou can load crossbows with blinding speed and fire them with little fear of reprisal.
Rapid ShotYou loose arrows with incredible speed.
Double TapYou can rapidly shoot a crossbow twice as a single action.
Snap ShotWith a ranged weapon, you can take advantage of any opening in your opponent’s defenses.
Stabbing ShotYou can clear the way to continue using your bow.
Reckless Offense You can shift your focus from defense to offense.
Shield ProficiencyYou become proficient with shields.
Improved Shield BashRetain shield bonus to armor class when making a shield bash attack.
Tower Shield ProficiencyYou become proficient with tower shields.
Stand Still You can prevent foes from fleeing or closing.
Sympathetic Rage Seeing an ally rage fills you with your own fury.
Tap AnimusYou gain the ability to tap a small wellspring of animus within you.
Two-Weapon FightingYou are skilled at fighting with a weapon in each hand.
Double SliceYour off-hand weapon while dual-wielding strikes with greater power.
Improved Two-Weapon FightingYou are very skilled at fighting with a weapon in each hand.
Greater Two-Weapon FightingYour skill at fighting with two weapons is unparalleled.
Two-Weapon RendYou deal extra damage when hitting with two or more different weapons.
Multiweapon FightingYou are able to fight effectively with multiple weapons.
Vital StrikeYou make a single attack that deals significantly more damage than normal.
Improved Vital StrikeYou can make a single attack that deals a large amount of damage.
Greater Vital Strike You can make a single attack that deals incredible damage.
Warrior's FocusGain a second psionic focus just for Warrior's Path abilities.
Weapon FinesseYou are able to place strikes with deadly accuracy.
Weapon FocusYou gain an attack and damage bonus with weapons of a particular type.
Greater Weapon FocusYour attack and damage bonus with a type of weapon improves.
Weapon SpecializationDeal increased damage with a chosen weapon.
Greater Weapon SpecializationDeal even greater damage with the selected weapon.
Weapon ProficiencyYou gain proficiency with a weapon group or exotic weapon.

Divine Feats


Channel HeroismYour heroic spirit bolsters your divine feats.
Divine EssenceYou can channel divinity to imbue yourself with additional essence.
Divine MightYou can channel the power of your faith to increase your damage.
Divine Spell AccessYou may channel divinity to access additional spells.
Divine Spell PowerChannel divinity to increase your caster level.
Expanded Channel DivinityGain one additional Channel Divinity option.
Extra ChannelingYou are able to use channel divinity more often each day.
Divine VengeanceYour channel your ability to turn undead into your weapon.
Improved ChannelingChannel divinity as if you were one level higher.
Plant DefianceYou can turn plants like a cleric can turn undead.
Plant ControlYou can rebuke and command plants as a cleric can undead.

Draconic Feats


Draconic BloodlineYou are descended from the blood of dragons.
Draconic AuraCreate a magical aura affecting those within 30 feet.
Draconic BodyYour body becomes as resilient as a dragon's.
Draconic ConnivanceLike a dragon, you are easily able to convince others to believe what you say.
Draconic Element FocusYou are adept at controlling a particular draconic element.
Draconic GlideYou were born with wings, inherited from your dragon ancestor.
Draconic FlightYou are able to soar through the skies like your ancestors.
Dragon ClawsYour hands sport claws like those of your dragon ancestor.
Improved Dragon ClawsYour ability to attack with your claws while casting spells improves.
Dragonblood InheritanceBy invoking the power of your draconic bloodline, you create a useful magical effect.
DragonfearYou exude an aura of danger that frightens your enemies.
DragonscaleYour skin grows lustrous scales, like a dragon.
Wyrm's WisdomYou tap into the wisdom of the great wyrms, the oldest of dragons.

Elemental Feats


Elemental BloodlineYou are descended from an elemental.
Earthen EnduranceGain damage reduction and resistance to being knocked down.
Elemental StrikeImbue your weapons with elemental energies.
Elemental Wild ShapeYou can take on the elemental form of your ancestors
Manifested ElementGain energy resistance and damage
Windborne FlightYou increase your fly speed.

Faith Feats


Body of FaithYour faith in the divine allows you to endure through grievous wounds.
Faith in ActionYou express your faith through actions, letting the divine guide you.
Faithful AcolyteYour faith enables you to cast minor divine spells.
Faithful BastionYour faith turns aside damage that would incapacitate you.
Faithful ChannelingYour great faith improves your ability to channel divinity.
Faithful HealingYour faith can heal wounds with a touch.
Faithful SpiritYour faith can overcome the toughest odds.
Faithful ThaumaturgyYour faith empowers your spells, overcoming your foe's meager resistance.
Leap of FaithYour faith can move mountains, but it most often moves you where you need to be.

Fey Feats


Fey BloodlineYou manifest minor fey traits, revealing that you have a fey ancestor.
Enduring BeautyYour beauty is inviolate, and you draw vitality from your appearance.
Fey BodyYour fey bloodline reinforces your body as you embrace your heritage.
Fey PerformanceThe wind, trees, earth, and local wildlife join in on your bardic performance.
Fey ResilienceYour fey power protects you from harm.
Fey ResistanceYou are naturally resistant to fey magics.
Fey RhetoricYou have inherited the fey proclivity for saying one thing while meaning another.
Feybound DealmakerYou are able to make binding Deals with other creatures.
Fey Spell VersatilityYou have learned magical secrets from the fey.
Feyblood HealingYour fey heritage grants you increased healing but leaves you vulnerable to cold iron.
Vestigial WingsYou possess a pair of weak, nonfunctional wings.
Aerial WingsYour wings have strengthened to the point of allowing flight.

Fiendish Feats


Fiendish PactYou strike a pact with a fiend to improve your die rolls.
Fiendish Pact of EssenceYou draw on corrupt energy to fuel your veils.
Fiendish Pact of FaithYour pact taints your faith while giving undue rewards.
Fiendish Pact of MagicYour fiendish pact enhances your magic while corrupting it with evil.
Fiendish Pact of MindYour pact enhances your psionics even as it taints your mind.
Fiendish Pact of SkullduggeryYou can stagger and disorient a foe with a sneak attack.
Fiendish Pact of WarYour pact grants you additional benefits when fighting in battle.
Planar BloodlineYou can trace your heritage to a creature native to the outer planes.
Fiend's Silver TongueYour eloquence is perfectly suited towards deceiving others.
Fiendish BodyYour fiendish nature reinforces your body.
Fiendish SinewYour flesh is stringy and tough, becoming resilient to attack.
Hellish ResilienceInfernal power protects you from harm.
Infernal AuraYour fiendish power inspires primal fear in those you threaten.
Infernal SightYour eyes glow faintly, allowing you to see in the dark.
Infernal SpellcastingYou can power your magic with infernal energy, but this inflicts painful damage.
Vestigial WingsYou possess a pair of weak, nonfunctional wings.
Aerial WingsYour wings have strengthened to the point of allowing flight.

Frenzy Feats


Chthonic RageYou can channel chthonic akasha to enhance your rage.
Expanded Rage PowersYou have unlocked a new ability to use while raging.
Extra RageYou can use your rage ability more than normal.
Raging ThrowYou expend some of your rage to throw one opponent at another.
Raging VitalityWhile raging, you are full of vigor and health.
Reckless RageYour boundless rage grants your blows extra strength, though at the expense of accuracy.
Resolute RagerFear passes quickly while you are raging.
Skilled RagerWith practice, you’ve mastered your rage to allow yourself more versatility.
Unfettered RageWhen no allies are nearby, you can safely unleash the full extent of your fury.

Heritage Feats


Aberrant BloodlineYou gain unnatural mutations as a result of your heritage.
Additional TraitsYou gain two additional traits.
Aerial WingsYour wings have strengthened to the point of allowing flight.
Ancestral ToughnessYou draw strength from your ancestral bloodline, increasing your hit points.
Arcane HeritageYou can cast arcane cantrips.
Bloodborne EsotericaYou can use your innate esoterica abilities more often than normal.
Divine HeritageYou can cast divine orisons.
Draconic BloodlineYou are descended from the blood of dragons.
Elemental BloodlineYou are descended from an elemental.
Fey BloodlineYou manifest minor fey traits, revealing that you have a fey ancestor.
Genie BloodlineA trace of genie blood flows in your veins.
Giant BloodlineYour unusually tall stature shows your giantish heritage.
Intermediate BloodlineYour focus on your ancestral bloodline increases your abilities.
Major BloodlineYour dedicated focus to your heritage unlocks even greater abilities.
Monstrous BloodlineMonstrous blood has found its way into your ancestry.
Planar BloodlineYou can trace your heritage to a creature native to the outer planes.
Wild TalentYour mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics.
Unlock TalentYou gain limited manifesting ability.

Heroic Feats


Action BoostYou have the ability to alter your luck drastically in dire circumstances.
Channel HeroismYour heroic spirit bolsters your divine feats.
Esoteric HeroismYou may sacrifice your magical energy to gain an Action Point.
Essence of the HeroYour heroic spirit grants you additional essence when you most need it.
Heroic BodyYour heroic spirit reinforces your body.
Heroic CriticalYour weapon attacks become critical threats.
Improved Heroic CriticalYour weapon attacks can always land critical hits.
Greater Heroic CriticalYour critical hits deal significantly increased damage.
Heroic Empower AuraYou are able to boost the strength of your auras for a time.
Heroic FortuityYour good fortune is truly heroic, letting you reroll your action dice.
Heroic PrecisionYour strikes against an opponent are treated as touch attacks.
Improved Heroic PrecisionYour precise strikes and sneak attacks deal additional damage.
Heroic SpiritYour heroic spirit always fights to overcome the odds. You gain action points.
Faith in ActionYou express your faith through actions, letting the divine guide you.
Legendary SpiritYou gain more action points than usual.
Heroic StaminaYou are able to endure through trying times and bounce back from defeat.
Heroic SurgeYou can spend action points to gain additional actions.
Legendary HeroismYour heroic exploits are truly the stuff of legends.
Luck of HeroesYou gain a 25% chance to retain a spent action point
Stand Without FearYou can potentially survive a lethal attack.
Surge of SuccessYour success drives your further actions.
Triumpant HeroYou gain double bonus on opposed checks.

Hexcraft Feats


Accursed HexYou can make a second attempt at failed hexes.
Amplified HexYou have learned to augment your hexes with the energy of your spells.
Expanded Hex KnowledgeYou have learned the secrets of a new hex.
Hex StrikeChanting and cursing, you put a hex on your enemy as part of your unarmed strike.
Spell HexYou can transform a 1st-level spell into a hex.
Split HexYou can split the effect of one of your targeted hexes, affecting another creature you can see.
Split Major HexYou can split the effect of one of your targeted major hexes.

Hunter Feats


Favored DefenseYour cunning is your shield against your quarry’s attacks.
Focused Aberration ExpertiseYou hold strong against aberrations.
Focused Animal ExpertiseYou’re skilled at patiently hiding from your favored enemies, particularly animals.
Focused Construct ExpertiseYou are skilled at breaking the defenses of constructs and other creatures.
Focused Dragon ExpertiseYour understanding of dragons helps you to easily avoid breath weapons.
Focused Fey ExpertiseYour attacks strike true against capricious targets like fey.
Focused Magical Beast ExpertiseYou move in ways that confound creatures that would strike you repeatedly.
Focused Ooze ExpertiseYou learn to overcome the engulfing attacks of your studied prey.
Focused Outsider ExpertiseYou’ve learned to overcomes the natural resistances common in outsiders.
Focused Plant ExpertiseYou are quick to dodge and slash anything that would ensnare you.
Focused Undead ExpertiseYour knowledge of the undead makes you especially effective when fighting them.
Focused Vermin ExpertiseYour experience with vermin resists the attacks of swarms.
Hunter's CriticalAny weapon you wield against your favored enemies becomes more deadly.
Hunter's Spell FocusYour spells are more effective against creatures that you train to hunt.
Improved Favored EnemyYour skill against a favored enemy improves
Improved Favored EnvironmentYour skill within your favored environment improves

Item Creation Feats


Augmented AlchemyYou are able to create alchemical items that are stronger than normal.
Brew PotionYou can create magic potions.
Craft Magic Arms and ArmorYou can create magic armor, shields, and weapons.
Craft ConstructYou can create construct creatures, like golems.
Craft RodYou can create magic rods.
Craft StaffYou can create magic staves.
Craft WandYou can create magic wands, dorjes, and other minor spell trigger items.
Craft Wondrous ItemYou can create wondrous items, a type of magic item.
Forge RingYou can create magic rings.
Inscribe EsotericaYou can create magic scrolls, power stones, and other spell completion items.
Master CraftsmanYour superior crafting skills allow you to create simple magic items.

Ki Feats


Adept Ki AttacksYour training with ki improves the powers of your ki attacks.
Master Ki AttacksFurther mastery of ki unlocks even greater ki attacks.
Grandmaster Ki AttacksYour mastery over ki grants you access to the strongest ki attacks.
Aligned Ki StrikeYou direct your ki flow to reflect your alignment, piercing your opponent's defenses.
Ascetic MysticYou mix your spiritual ki with your arcane animus to create even greater power.
Ascetic SpiritualistMonk and shaman levels stack for unarmed progression and channel divinity.
Bewildering KoanYou pose unanswerable questions that leave creatures momentarily dumbfounded.
ComposureYour practiced meditation allows you to master your fears.
Disruptive KiYou inject ki into an opponent, disrupting their ki and harming their body.
Expanded Ki TalentYou learn an additional ki talent.
Extra KiYour spiritual focus allows you to harness additional ki.
Felling StrikeThis ki attack unbalances your foes, knocking them to the ground.
Flowing BladeYou wield your mind blade with the grace and power of your monastic training.
Fuse StylesYou are capable of mingling mundane and martial combat styles with your ki.
Intuitive CultivatorYou have cultivated excellent ki flow.
Ki CultivationYou learn to cultivate ki within yourself, unlocking great potential.
Ki Formation FocusGain +1 to save DCs of certain ki formations.
Ki Reinforced BodyYour ki reinforces your bones and flesh.
Ki-Guided SpellcastingYour ki flow directs the path of your spells.
Perfect StyleYou learn to perfect the use of ki stances and their associated element.
Unblinking Flame FeintYou move as swiftly and unpredictably as a flickering flame.
Unblinking Flame FistYou can exploit the weaknesses in your opponents’ defenses, like a flame seeking fuel to consume.
Unbreaking Wave RushLike the mightiest of waves, your progress cannot be stopped.
Unbreaking Wave CrashWith a mighty crash, you break your opponents upon the shore.
Untwisting Iron StrengthYou can break through the toughest of objects as though your fists were adamantine hammers.
Untwisting Iron SkinYour training has tempered your flesh to resist blows as though it were forged iron.
Stunning FistYou know just where to strike to temporarily stun a foe.

Martial Arts Feats


Advanced StudyYou learn additional techniques from your martial tradition.
Animus HealingYou can channel your animus into healing energies.
Ascetic MysticYou mix your spiritual ki with your arcane animus to create even greater power.
Awakened AnimusYou can use mental power to modulate the roiling energies within your soul.
Discipline FocusYou’ve trained extensively in the arts of a single martial discipline.
Discipline Style MasteryYou can use one discipline style at the same time as another fighting style.
Essence-Bound DisciplineYou can channel akasha to improve your skill with a chosen martial discipline.
Extra AnimusYour reserves of animus are stronger.
Flow of BattleYou can reallocate essence when you enter a martial stance or initiate a maneuver.
Fuse StylesYou are capable of mingling mundane and martial combat styles with your ki.
Martial Arts TrainingYou learn and can ready new martial techniques.
Recover ManeuverRecover your expended maneuvers in the middle of battle.
Martial PowerYou are able to call upon reserves of untapped power within yourself for defense.
Radiant Dawn StyleYour martial abilities are laden with restorative akasha.
Radiant SunlightAkasha that cannot heal will become a potent shield.
Radiant DaybreakYour akasha hardens the body, mind, and soul.
Radiant ProgressionBy aligning yourself with the sun, you can gain powerful effects.
Silver Crane StyleYour mercy shields your allies.
Silver Crane FeathersYou sacrifice yourself for others.
Silver Crane WingYour sacrifice to others grants you divine protection.
Tap AnimusYou gain the ability to tap a small wellspring of animus within you.
Veiled Moon StyleYour knowledge of ethereal pathways lets you slip into planar cracks and step out elsewhere.
Veiled Moon ShuntYou twist an enemy’s location, shunting them into a dangerous position of weakness.
Veiled Moon WarpYour strikes can force an enemy into the aether for a short time.

Metamagic Feats


Disguise SpellYou can disguise your spells as part of your performance.
Elemental SpellYou can manipulate the elemental nature of your spells.
Empower SpellYou can cast spells to greater effect.
Energy SubstitutionYou can change the type of energy damage a spell causes.
Enlarge SpellYou can cast spells farther than normal.
Extend SpellYou can cast spells that last longer than normal.
Persistent SpellYour spells last for 24 hours.
Maximize SpellYou can maximize the output of your spells.
Nonlethal SubstitutionYou can cast spells that deal only nonlethal damage.
Profane SpellYou can infuse a spell with profane power, bypassing energy resistance.
Quicken SpellYou can cast a spell in the blink of an eye.
Reach SpellYou can cast touch spells at range.
Repeat SpellYou can cast a spell twice, with the second instance beginning in the next round.
Sacred SpellYou can infuse a spell with sacred power, bypassing energy resistance.
Silent SpellYou can cast spells without reciting verbal components.
Still SpellYou need not use gestures to cast spells.
Widen SpellYou can increase the area affected by your spells.

Metapsionic Feats


Burrowing PowerYour powers sometimes bypass barriers.
Chain PowerYou can manifest powers that arc to hit other targets in addition to the primary target.
Delay PowerYou can manifest powers that go off up to 5 rounds later.
Ectoplasmic PowerYour powers always affect incorporeal and ethereal creatures.
Empower PowerYou can manifest powers to greater effect.
Enlarge PowerYou can manifest powers farther than normal.
Extend PowerYou can manifest powers that last longer than normal.
Maximize PowerYou can manifest powers to maximum effect.
Opportunity PowerYou can make power-enhanced attacks of opportunity.
Psionic EndowmentYou can endow your manifestations with more concentrated focus.
Quicken PowerYou can manifest a power with a moment's thought.
Split Psionic Ray You can affect two targets with a single ray.
Twin PowerYou can manifest a power simultaneously with another power just like it.
Unconditional Power Disabling conditions do not hold you back.
Widen Power You can increase the area of your powers.

Monster Feats


Dexterous AttacksYou are able to place attacks with increased accuracy.
Drain Akashic EssenceYou empower your draining attacks to also consume akashic energy.
Improved LifesenseDouble the range at which you can detect living creatures.
MultiattackYou improve you accuracy with your natural weapons.

Multiclass Feats


Ascetic MysticYou mix your spiritual ki with your arcane animus to create even greater power.
Ascetic SpiritualistMonk and shaman levels stack for unarmed progression and channel divinity.
Blessed DemesneThe blessing you bestow upon the lands fills the entirety of your demesne.
Flowing BladeYou wield your mind blade with the grace and power of your monastic training.
Honorable ChampionYour paladin and samurai levels stack for smiting your enemies.
Honorable WarriorFighter and Samurai levels stack for weapon abilities and your challenges.
Intuitive CombatantYou have spent the time necessary to hone your combat focus.
Intuitive CultivatorYou have cultivated excellent ki flow.
Intuitive ManifesterManifesting powers has always come naturally to you.
Intuitive SpellcasterSpellcasting has always come naturally to you.
Intuitive VeilweaverVeilweaving has always come naturally to you.
Monastic LegacyYour formal unarmed training continues to bolster your training in other areas.
Student of the Astral SuitYour studies in other areas has not hindered your skill with astral suits.
Student of the Eldritch InvocationYour studies in other fields have not hindered your skill with eldritch blast.
Student of the Mind BladeYour training with a mind blade is not hindered by dabbling in other studies.
Wild SpiritualistYour druid and shaman levels stack for your animal companion and channel divinity.

Performance Feats


Expanded PerformancesYou learn an additional bardic performance.
Extra PerformanceGain 6 additional rounds of bardic performance.
Fey PerformanceThe wind, trees, earth, and local wildlife join in on your bardic performance.
Harmonic SpellYou weave your magic such that your spellcasting and performance become indistinguishable.
Lingering PerformanceYour bardic performance continues for 2 additional rounds after you stop performing.
SpellsongYou can blend the power of your performance and spellcasting.

Psi-Null Feats


Antipsionic Magic Your spells are more potent when used against psionic characters and creatures.
Chaotic Mind The turbulence of your thoughts prevents others from gaining insight into your actions.
Closed MindYour mind is better able to resist psionics than normal.
Hostile Mind Your mind recoils violently against those who use psionics against you.
Mental ResistanceYour mind is armored against mental intrusion.
Psionic Hole You are anathema to psionic creatures and characters.

Psionic Feats


Advanced Archer PathYou have expanded expertise at ranged combat.
Advanced Ascetic PathYou are an expert of unarmed combat.
Advanced Assassin's PathYour attacks have become even deadlier.
Advanced Brawling PathYour grappling abilities are particularly effective.
Advanced Dervish PathYou seem to float between enemies, a blur of destruction.
Advanced Feral Warrior PathYour natural attacks are more vicious.
Advanced Gladiator PathYou’ve developed keen tactical instincts and are able to leverage these with both mental and physical power.
Advanced Hungering PathYou ever-hungry psionic scar holds greater demands for greater power.
Advanced Infiltrator PathYou have a talent for getting wherever you need to go.
Advanced Interceptor PathYou defend your allies with uncanny expertise.
Advanced Mind Knight PathYou have learned enhanced techniques to make sure you are always armed and dangerous.
Advanced Outrider PathYour ectoplasmic mount strikes at foes you pass.
Advanced Survivor PathYou are capable of withstanding a variety of situations.
Advanced Weaponmaster PathYou are a particularly dangerous opponent to duel.
Akashic AugmentationYou use akasha to augment your psionic powers.
Akashic TalentYou use akasha to gain additional power points.
Aligned AttackYour attacks overcome alignment-based damage reduction.
Athik TelepathyYour telepathy range is greater than that of most athiks.
Awakened AnimusYou can use mental power to modulate the roiling energies within your soul.
Body Fuel You can expand your power point total at the expense of your health.
Boost ConstructYour astral constructs have more abilities.
Combat Manifestation You are adept at manifesting powers in combat.
Critical RefocusYour critical hits recharge your expended psionic focus.
Deep FocusYou have learned to focus your subconscious mind even while awake.
Dimensional StabilityYou gain greater control of your movement and stability while using scorn earth.
Levitative TransportYou can share your gravity-defying abilities, moving yourself and allies as group.
Empowered Psychic StrikeYour psychic strike can deal more damage than usual.
Enervation FortitudeYou have learned how to better handle psychic enervation.
Essence FocusYou blend the power of akasha and the mind to quickly regain your psionic focus.
Expanded Blade SkillsYou gain an additional soulknife blade skill.
Expanded Discipline AbilityYou gain one additional psion discipline ability.
Expanded KnowledgeYou learn another psionic power.
Expanded Node AccessYou gain access to an additional psionic node.
Extra CustomizationYour astral suit can have additional customizations.
Extra Dimensional TalentYou are able to use your dimensional bending ability more often.
Extra ReconfigurationYou are able to modify your astral suit more often.
Fiendish Pact of MindYour pact enhances your psionics even as it taints your mind.
Flowing BladeYou wield your mind blade with the grace and power of your monastic training.
Focused Sunder You can sense the stress points on others' weapons.
Ghost AttackYour deadly strikes against incorporeal foes always find their mark.
InquisitorYou know when others lie.
Intuitive ManifesterManifesting powers has always come naturally to you.
Mental LeapYou can make amazing jumps.
Mind ShieldYou can shape your mind blade into a shield.
Modified Surge BlastYou have learned to alter the nature of your surge blast by spending your psionic power.
Overchannel You burn your life force to strengthen your powers.
Talented You can overchannel powers with less cost to yourself.
Power PenetrationYour powers are especially potent, breaking through power resistance more readily than normal.
Greater Power PenetrationYour powers are especially potent at breaking through power resistance.
Power SpecializationYou deal more damage with your powers.
Greater Power SpecializationYou even deal more damage with your powers.
Psicrystal Affinity You are able to create a psicrystal.
Improved PsicrystalYou can upgrade your psicrystal.
Psicrystal ContainmentYour psicrystal has advanced enough that it can hold a psionic focus that you store within it.
Psionic Body Your mind reinforces your body.
Psionic Dodge You are proficient at dodging blows.
Psionic FeintA flash of insight allows you to quickly throw your opponent off balance.
Psionic Meditation You can focus your mind faster than normal, even under duress.
Psionic TalentYou gain additional power points per day.
Improved Psychic ReserveYou can store more power points in your psychic reserve.
Sequester PowerYou gain power points by limiting your powers known.
Psionic WeaponYou can charge your weapon with additional damage potential.
Deep ImpactYou can strike your foe with a melee weapon as if making a touch attack.
Psionic Stunning BlowYour charged weapon is capable of stunning your foes.
Fell Shot You can strike your foe with a ranged weapon as if making a touch attack.
Return Shot You can turn projectiles or thrown weapons against their users.
Greater Psionic WeaponYou can charge your melee weapon with even greater damage potential.
Psionic Weapon ExpertYou can activate multiple psionic feats at the same time.
Unavoidable Strike You can attack with unarmed strike or natural weapon as if making a touch attack.
Wounding AttackYour vicious attacks wound your foe.
Quick SuitYou have learned to quickly form your astral suit.
Rapid AugmentationWith a quick burst of psionic power, you can make slight alterations in your astral suit.
Ready ResponseYou can move yourself more quickly through sheer willpower.
Speed Of ThoughtThe energy of your mind energizes the alacrity of your body.
Psionic Charge You can charge in a crooked line.
Surge StrikeTransform your wild surge into a weapon similar to a mind blade.
Surging AuraYour wild surge enhances the aim of nearby allies.
Toughened SuitWhen you call your astral suit, you strengthen it with a boost of energy.
Up The Walls You can run on walls for brief distances.
Warped TalentThe warping of your mind unlocks psionic talent.
Mad PowerAs your mind twists, bouts of madness unlock additional psionic power
Warrior's FocusGain a second psionic focus just for Warrior's Path abilities.
Wild TalentYour mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics.
Expanded TalentYou learn additional psionic talents.
Unlock TalentYou gain limited manifesting ability.

Racial Feats


Athik TelepathyYour telepathy range is greater than that of most athiks.
Bestial SensesYour primal nature combined with akasha grants you exceptionally sharp senses.
Bewildering KoanYou pose unanswerable questions that leave creatures momentarily dumbfounded.
BrewmasterYou can concoct potent brews.
Casual IllusionistYour innate magic allows you to create minor illusions to enhance your deceptions.
Cleave ThroughYou can take a 5-ft. step while cleaving through opponents.
Defiant Luck You can make a reroll a natural 1 on a saving throw.
Inexplicable LuckOthers are often dumfounded by your luck.
Bestow LuckYou are extremely lucky and sometimes your allies are as well.
Discerning EyeYou are not easily fooled by illusions and forgeries.
Effortless TrickeryYour natural knack for illusion allows you to maintain an illusion spell with little effort.
Extra Defensive StanceYou can use your defense stance more often.
Fast LearnerYou possess extra versatility when learning skills.
ImprovisationYou can figure out how to do almost anything.
Improved ImprovisationYou are masterful in your improvisation.
Giant StepsWhen enlarged, your speed increases.
Hefty PorterYou can easily carry truly impressive weight.
HuntmasterYou provide better training for your animal companion or special mount.
Improved Mobile StanceYou are able to move while in a defensive stance.
Improved StonecunningYour sense for stonework is uncanny.
Let Them ComeYou may brace any melee weapon against a charge.
Resolute RagerFear passes quickly while you are raging.
Steel SoulYou are especially resistant to magic.
Surge of SuccessYour success drives your further actions.
Sympathetic Rage Seeing an ally rage fills you with your own fury.

Skill Feats


AcademicGain a +2 bonus on all Academics checks and other benefits.
Research ScholarYou gain a +6 bonus on Int- or Wis-based skills.
AcrobaticGain a +2 bonus on all Acrobatics checks and other benefits.
AlertnessGain a +2 bonus on all Perception checks and other benefits.
Ever VigilantPotentially negate the penalties for being flat-footed.
Animal AffinityGain a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal checks and other benefits.
ArcanistGain a +2 bonus on all Arcane Lore checks and other benefits.
AthleticGain a +2 bonus on all Athletics checks and other benefits.
BrewmasterYou can concoct potent brews.
Casual IllusionistYour innate magic allows you to create minor illusions to enhance your deceptions.
Cat's FallYou take less damage on a fall and always land on your feet.
DeceitfulGain a +2 bonus on all Deception checks and other benefits.
DisciplinedGain a +1 bonus Will saves and a +2 bonus on concentration checks.
EngineerGain a +2 bonus on all Engineering checks and other benefits.
Exceptionally SkilledYou are able to learn new skills more easily than others.
Expanded Skill SpecialtiesYou are particularly adept with a skill, gaining an additional skill specialty.
Fast LearnerYou possess extra versatility when learning skills.
Fey RhetoricYou have inherited the fey proclivity for saying one thing while meaning another.
Fiend's Silver TongueYour eloquence is perfectly suited towards deceiving others.
HealerGain a +2 bonus on all Heal checks and other benefits.
InquisitorYou know when others lie.
InsightfulGain a +2 bonus on all Insight checks and other benefits.
Eyes to See, Ears to HearGain a significant bonus on an Insight check.
IntimidatingGain a +2 bonus on all Intimidate checks and other benefits.
Oni's GlareYou can bluff opponents with Intimidate.
LinguistGain a +2 bonus on all Linguistics checks and other benefits.
Man-at-ArmsGain a +2 bonus on all Arms Lore checks and other benefits.
Mental LeapYou can make amazing jumps.
NaturalistGain a +2 bonus on all Natural Lore checks and other benefits.
Open MindedYou are naturally able to improve your memory, mind, and skill expertise.
PerformerGain a +2 bonus on all Perform checks and other benefits.
PersuasiveGain a +2 bonus on all Persuasion checks and other benefits.
Distracting CountenanceInflict enemies with a penalty on Charisma-based skills.
ProfessionalGain a +2 bonus on all Profession checks and other benefits.
PsychicGain a +2 bonus on all Psi Lore checks and other benefits.
Quick ReactionsGain a +1 bonus Reflex saves and Acrobatics checks.
Robust PhysiqueGain a +1 bonus Fortitude saves and Athletics checks.
Skilled RagerWith practice, you’ve mastered your rage to allow yourself more versatility.
StealthyGain a +2 bonus on all Stealth checks and other benefits.
TheologianGain a +2 bonus on all Theology checks and other benefits.
TrackYou are skilled in following even the most obscured tracks.
Urban TrackingYou can track the location of missing persons or wanted individuals within communities.
UrbaniteGain a +2 bonus on all Streetwise checks and other benefits.
Wild SensesYou have heightened senses and awareness.
Wyrm's WisdomYou tap into the wisdom of the great wyrms, the oldest of dragons.

Spellcasting Feats


Akasha-Infused SpellsYou gain the ability to invest essence directly into the spells you cast.
Amalgamate Spell PowerYou learn to fuse two spells into a single higher-level spell.
Amplified HexYou have learned to augment your hexes with the energy of your spells.
Arcane Armor TrainingYou have learned how to cast spells while wearing armor.
Arcane BondYou craft a magical focus to enhance your arcane magic.
Improved Arcane BondYou enhance your bonded focus, allowing it to grow in magical power.
Arcane DiscoveryYou discover one of the hidden secrets of arcane magic.
Arcane StrikeYou draw upon your arcane power to enhance your weapons with magical energy.
Bookish RogueThanks to your preparation, your rogue minor magic is more varied than most.
Talented MagicianRoguish magic comes easily to you.
Cancerous FamiliarGain a sentient tumor as a familiar.
Combat CastingYou can defensively cast spells more easily.
Draconic Element FocusYou are adept at controlling a particular draconic element.
Dragonblood InheritanceBy invoking the power of your draconic bloodline, you create a useful magical effect.
Effortless TrickeryYour natural knack for illusion allows you to maintain an illusion spell with little effort.
Empower AuraBy focusing additional magic into your auras, you boost their strength for a time.
Enduring Eidolon ArmorYou can summon your eidolon armor for a longer period of time.
Eschew Divine FocusYou can cast divine spells without needing to present your divine focus.
Eschew MaterialsYou can cast many spells without needing to utilize minor material components.
Esoteric HeroismYou may sacrifice your magical energy to gain an Action Point.
Expanded Innate SpellsYou master an additional spell you know, transforming it into a spell-like ability.
Expanded InvocationsYou learn another invocation.
Expanded Mystic ArcanumYou gain an additional mystic arcanum.
Expanded Spell Access You access another spell.
Expanded Spell Knowledge You learn another spell.
Extra EchoesYou gain an additional echo slot.
Extra Shadow MagicYou gain the ability to cast additional shadow magic.
Extra SpellbindingYou are able to use spellbinding more often each day.
Fiendish Pact of FaithYour pact taints your faith while giving undue rewards.
Fiendish Pact of MagicYour fiendish pact enhances your magic while corrupting it with evil.
Hunter's Spell FocusYour spells are more effective against creatures that you train to hunt.
Improved CounterspellYou can counter spells without needing to expend the exact spell.
Rapid CounterspellYou can counter spells even when you have not readied an action.
Intuitive SpellcasterSpellcasting has always come naturally to you.
Ki-Guided SpellcastingYour ki flow directs the path of your spells.
Natural SpellYou can cast spells even while in animal form that cannot normally cast spells.
Obtain FamiliarYou gain a familiar based on your arcane spellcaster level
Resounding EchoOnce per day, retain a spontaneously cast echo.
Soul-Powered MagicYou can use captured souls as material and XP components.
Spell FocusGain +1 to save DCs of a school of magic or of an alignment or energy descriptor.
Augment SummoningYour summoned creatures are stronger and tougher.
Greater Spell FocusGain additional +1 to save DCs of a school of magic.
Spell HexYou can transform a 1st-level spell into a hex.
Spell MasteryYou are able to prepare certain spells without a spellbook.
Spell PenetrationGain +2 bonus to overcome spell resistance.
Greater Spell PenetrationGain additional +2 bonus to overcome spell resistance.
Versatile Spell AccessYou are able to exchange your accessed spells more readily.

Style Feats


Ascetic StyleYou use weapons with the same ease as unarmed strikes.
Ascetic FormYou have mastered the ability to blend the use of weapons with unarmed styles.
Ascetic StrikeYour weapon strikes deal more damage than usual.
Black Turtle StyleLike the mighty turtle, your ki flows swiftly even while armored.
Black Turtle LungeLike a snapping turtle, you are able to quickly strike from the ground.
Black Turtle TakedownBy striking from below, you can topple an opponent.
Crane StyleYour unarmed fighting techniques blend poise with graceful defense.
Crane WingYou move like an avian hunter, your graceful motions deflecting melee attacks with ease.
Crane RiposteYou use your defensive abilities to make overpowering counterattacks.
Empty Quiver StyleYou can fight in melee with your ranged weapon
Empty Quiver FlexibilityYou can apply your ranged fighting feats to melee attacks.
Empty Quiver FlurryYou can use your ranged weapons to keep foes at bay as you shoot them.
Guardian Angel StyleYou are an expert at defending yourself and those around you.
Avenging Guardian StrikeYou protect and avenge your allies with ferocious strikes and fending blows.
Guardian Angel AuraYour defense extends to protect large groups from harm.
Percussive Maintenance StyleYou can destroy or repair mechanical devices with ease.
Talented Upkeep MethodologyHoning your arts has allowed you to fix or destroy tools even faster.
Overclocked FistYou can push your tools to achieve peak performance or bring them to ruin.
Perfect StyleYou learn to perfect the use of ki stances and their associated element.
Unblinking Flame FeintYou move as swiftly and unpredictably as a flickering flame.
Unblinking Flame FistYou can exploit the weaknesses in your opponents’ defenses, like a flame seeking fuel to consume.
Unbreaking Wave RushLike the mightiest of waves, your progress cannot be stopped.
Unbreaking Wave CrashWith a mighty crash, you break your opponents upon the shore.
Untwisting Iron StrengthYou can break through the toughest of objects as though your fists were adamantine hammers.
Untwisting Iron SkinYour training has tempered your flesh to resist blows as though it were forged iron.
Radiant Dawn StyleYour martial abilities are laden with restorative akasha.
Radiant SunlightAkasha that cannot heal will become a potent shield.
Radiant DaybreakYour akasha hardens the body, mind, and soul.
Rakshasa Deception StyleYou are an expert at keeping an opponent off guard with deceptive strikes.
Rakshasa's Fivefold FeintYour deception is swift and effective, making creatures more vulnerable to attack.
Rakshasa's Piercing PrecisionYour deceptive attacks deal greater damage and leave your foes befuddled for longer.
Silver Crane StyleYour mercy shields your allies.
Silver Crane FeathersYou sacrifice yourself for others.
Silver Crane WingYour sacrifice to others grants you divine protection.
Veiled Moon StyleYour knowledge of ethereal pathways lets you slip into planar cracks and step out elsewhere.
Veiled Moon ShuntYou twist an enemy’s location, shunting them into a dangerous position of weakness.
Veiled Moon WarpYour strikes can force an enemy into the aether for a short time.

Veilweaving Feats


Blessed DemesneThe blessing you bestow upon the lands fills the entirety of your demesne.
Chakra FocusGain +1 to save DCs of veils attached to a chakra.
Drain Akashic EssenceYou empower your draining attacks to also consume akashic energy.
Empowered TitlesYou learn to bind title veils to a chakra, granted your entitled greater power.
Enhanced CapacityYour capacity for channeling akasha allows you to maintain more essence in a single veil.
Entitled EmpireYour dominion increases, your titles remain effective at greater distance.
Infinite ImperiumYour titles reach far and wide, encompassing all.
Esoteric HeroismYou may sacrifice your magical energy to gain an Action Point.
Essence of the HeroYour heroic spirit grants you additional essence when you most need it.
Essence RejectionYour body naturally rejects the power of akashic energy, giving you increased resistance to it.
Essence VoidYour soul devours akashic magic, swallowing up its power.
Expanded HeraldryYou gain an additional heraldry.
Extra EssenceYou are better able to harness your personal store of akasha.
Fiendish Pact of EssenceYou draw on corrupt energy to fuel your veils.
Improved SoultheftGain a second stolen essence pool
Inaugurate TitleAs the Rajah learns new veils, she can mold them to her unique abilities.
Merciful VeilsThough the road may be harder, you have tempered your might with mercy.
NarcissismBe wary of the one who sets a title upon their own brow.
Shared VeilYou can share a veil with a bonded creature with which you can share spells.
Titles from Distant ShoresThose from distant lands bring unusual and diverse titles with them.
Twin-Weave ChakraYou can bind a second veil to one of your chakras or bind a veil and use a magic item.
Unlock Higher ChakraYou gain the ability to bind veils to a greater chakra, increasing their power and versatility.
Unlock Low ChakraYou gain the ability to bind veils to a least chakra, increasing their power and versatility.
Unlock Middle ChakraYou open up one of your body’s centers of power, allowing you to bind a veil to that chakra.
Weave VeilYou gain the ability to weave a single veil.

Wild Feats


Akasha-Infused ShiftingYou channel akasha to empower your wild shift.
Anomalous Wild ShapeYour wild shape forms are warped by your aberrant heritage.
Beast ShiftingYou can wild shift into more bestial forms.
Bestial SensesYour primal nature combined with akasha grants you exceptionally sharp senses.
Defensive ShiftingYou can wild shift instantly.
Elemental Wild ShapeYou can take on the elemental form of your ancestors
Enduring ShiftThe benefits from your wild shift ability last longer.
Enlarged Wild ShapeYour wild shape forms are larger than usual.
Extra Wild ShiftYou can wild shift more often each day.
Feral Cat's Tiger ClawWhile wild shifting, your claw attacks deal greater damage.
Feral Combat TrainingYou were taught a style of martial arts that relies on your natural weapons.
Healing ShiftYou can shift to heal yourself.
Mighty Carp's Deep DiveWhile wild shifting, you are able to swim like a fish.
Miniature Wild ShapeYour wild shape forms are smaller than usual.
Mocking Monkey's Arboreal ClimbWhen wild shifting, your climbing ability improves.
Natural SpellYou can cast spells even while in animal form that cannot normally cast spells.
Rapid Wild ShapeYou can change forms more quickly.
Savage Dog's Fang RipWhile wild shifting, your bite attack deals greater damage.
Tricksy Tanuki TrackerWhen wild shifting, your senses are improved.
Wary Hare's Plain StrideWhen wild shifting, you are especially fast.
Wild Boar's Thick HideWhen wild shifting, your natural armor increases.
Wild SensesYou have heightened senses and awareness.
Wild SpeechYou speak with the tongue of men and beasts.
Wise Owl's Night SightWhen wild shifting, you can see farther at night.

Zealous Feats


Celestial ZealYour zealous nature allows you to bring those who commit evil to justice.
Expanded MerciesYou gain an additional paladin mercy.
Extra ZealYou gain 3 additional points of zeal.
Ouranic ZealYou use ouranic akasha to enhance your zeal and ability to smite your foes.
Protector’s SmiteYou can use your smiting power to protect an ally from known evil.
Strength of ZealDouble your Strength bonus when smiting.
Zealous ChampionYou can use your smite ability to empower your combat maneuvers.
Zealous PerseveranceYour zeal allows you to better resist harmful effects by increasing your saving throws.
Zealous ShieldYour zeal allows you to more easily deflect enemy attacks.