Frenzy Feats

Frenzy feats build off of the Barbarian’s rage ability or other similar abilities. These feats improve an individual’s rage ability or add additional uses for the ability.

Frenzy Feats


Chthonic RageYou can channel chthonic akasha to enhance your rage.
Expanded Rage PowersYou have unlocked a new ability to use while raging.
Extra RageYou can use your rage ability more than normal.
Raging ThrowYou expend some of your rage to throw one opponent at another.
Raging VitalityWhile raging, you are full of vigor and health.
Reckless RageYour boundless rage grants your blows extra strength, though at the expense of accuracy.
Resolute RagerFear passes quickly while you are raging.
Skilled RagerWith practice, you’ve mastered your rage to allow yourself more versatility.
Unfettered RageWhen no allies are nearby, you can safely unleash the full extent of your fury.