Racial Feats

A racial feat requires a character to be a specific race to select the feat. Any creature with the related subtype can take a racial feat, so a Half-Elf can take Human, Elf, and Half-Elf racial feats. Racial feats have no other special properties as a group and are typically considered as General feats with a racial prerequisite, unless otherwise noted.

Racial Feats


Athik TelepathyYour telepathy range is greater than that of most athiks.
Bestial SensesYour primal nature combined with akasha grants you exceptionally sharp senses.
Bewildering KoanYou pose unanswerable questions that leave creatures momentarily dumbfounded.
BrewmasterYou can concoct potent brews.
Casual IllusionistYour innate magic allows you to create minor illusions to enhance your deceptions.
Cleave ThroughYou can take a 5-ft. step while cleaving through opponents.
Defiant Luck You can make a reroll a natural 1 on a saving throw.
Inexplicable LuckOthers are often dumfounded by your luck.
Bestow LuckYou are extremely lucky and sometimes your allies are as well.
Discerning EyeYou are not easily fooled by illusions and forgeries.
Effortless TrickeryYour natural knack for illusion allows you to maintain an illusion spell with little effort.
Extra Defensive StanceYou can use your defense stance more often.
Fast LearnerYou possess extra versatility when learning skills.
ImprovisationYou can figure out how to do almost anything.
Improved ImprovisationYou are masterful in your improvisation.
Giant StepsWhen enlarged, your speed increases.
Hefty PorterYou can easily carry truly impressive weight.
HuntmasterYou provide better training for your animal companion or special mount.
Improved Mobile StanceYou are able to move while in a defensive stance.
Improved StonecunningYour sense for stonework is uncanny.
Let Them ComeYou may brace any melee weapon against a charge.
Resolute RagerFear passes quickly while you are raging.
Steel SoulYou are especially resistant to magic.
Surge of SuccessYour success drives your further actions.
Sympathetic Rage Seeing an ally rage fills you with your own fury.