You may sacrifice your magical energy to gain an Action Point.
Ability to use Action Points, one or more of the following:
- ability to cast 2nd-level spells
- ability to manifest 2nd-level powers
- ability to cast 2nd-level invocations
- an essence pool and the ability to weave 3 or more veils
Once per day, you may gain a temporary Action Point by expending some of your esoteric power. This temporary action point must be spent before the start of your next turn, or it is lost with no effect.
To gain this action point you must do one of the following:
- Expend a spell slot or prepared spell of the highest level spell you can cast.
- Expend power points equal to twice the level of the highest level power you can manifest.
- Sacrifice the ability to cast one of your highest level invocations until you complete a rest.
- Take essence burn equal to the number of action dice you roll.
If you have more than one of these abilities, you must use the most expensive option. For example, if you can cast 4th-level spells and manifest 3rd-level powers, you must expend a 4th-level spell slot to gain this action point.