Psionic Endowment


You can endow your manifestations with more concentrated focus.


To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You add 1 to the save DC of a power you manifest.

In addition, you may spend power points to heighten the level of the power. An endowed power has a higher power level than normal (up to a maximum of 9th level). Unlike other metamagic feats, Psionic Endowment actually increases the effective level of the power that it modifies when power points are spent. All effects dependent on power level (such as saving throw DCs and ability to penetrate a lesser globe of invulnerability) are calculated according to the heightened level. The benefits of heightening a power stack with the +1 to save DC normally granted by this feat.

Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2 for each effective level that the power is increased. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.