
[Aberrant, Akashic]

Akasha flows naturally through your body, reinforcing your aberrant powers.


Aberrant Bloodline, one other aberrant feat, either Wisdom 13 or veilweaver level 1st.


Select one other aberrant feat you possess that has an effect based on the number of aberrant feats you possess. Once made, this decision cannot be changed. You can bind essence into the selected feat as though it were an akashic feat. Once essence is bound, it remains invested for 24 hours or until the next time you weave veils for the day.

For each point of essence invested into the selected feat, you are treated as possessing one additional aberrant feat when determining the effects of that feat.

For example, if you select Aberrant Body with this feat, each point of essence invested into that feat would cause it to grant you 2 additional hit points.

You gain 1 point of essence.


You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different aberrant feat you possess.