Warlock Invocations1st-Level InvocationsAgonizing BlastArmor of ShadowsBeguiling InfluenceBloody BlastChain FamiliarDark CharmDevil’s SightEldritch BladeEldritch BlastEldritch SightFearsome BlastFiendish VigorGaze of Two MindsMask of Many FacesMisty VisionsOtherworldly LeapQuick StepTargeting Blast2nd-Level InvocationsAscendant StepBonds of BindingChthonic ShadowsCloaked ConvictionsDark One’s Own LuckEldritch SpearMaster of Myriad FormsOne with ShadowsRepelling BlastShadow SightSpider ClimbSpiderwebThief of Five FatesThirsting Blade3rd-Level InvocationsBloodthirsty BladeDevil's EloquenceDispelling BlastDreadful WordEldritch SensesHungering BladeLifedrinkerMire the MindMisty MirageMisty StepSign of Ill OmenSplit BeamWings of Flame and Shadow4th-Level InvocationsBewitching WhispersChains of CarceriConscript ServantDismiss ServantDual Blast EffectEldritch BreathExplosive BlastFiendish CharmFiendish ResilienceFiendish ResistanceVanish in ShadowVisions of Distant Realms5th-Level InvocationsDark DominionDevil's MultiloquenceFiendish FormRavenous BladeWitch Sight6th-Level InvocationsBanish ServantChains of SoulbindingDeath CurseDweomer SightHurl Through Hell
Aldhaven.com © 2022, Morn Productions; Author Michael Rizban.This content draws inspiration from or reimplements open content from the following source which is being Used in accordance with Section 1(g) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a.System Reference Document 5.1 © 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.