Design Notes: The Black Templar

The Black Templar is originally a Pathfinder prestige class published in the Akashic Mysteries supplement. It did some of the things I wanted but in a more clunky, complicated manner than I wanted to have, and some of the other mechanics were just weird. I didn’t care for much of how it worked mechanically, though … Read more

Design Notes: The Akashic Healer

The akashic healer was designed as a way to improve some of the secondary healing abilities to make them more viable options in the game. This Specialist Class uses akashic magic, because that’s personally one of my favorite subsystems. It’s also a good system for balancing and limiting game options while still giving the player … Read more

Design Notes: The Shiftweaver

The shiftweaver is a specialized veilweaver that gives up actual veilweaving progression for maximum flexibility. Its core ability gives it the ability to weave any veil it needs in the moment, which is incredibly useful. Designing the Shiftweaver What is the Shiftweaver’s Focus? I wanted to design an akashic class that had fantastic flexibility over … Read more