Combat Feats

Combat feats are treated as general feats for most purposes and are available to any character who meets their prerequisites; however, certain classes (such as Fighter) also gain combat feats as bonus feats.

Combat Feats


Akashic ChargeYou use akasha to amplify your damage when making a charge attack.
Animus HealingYou can channel your animus into healing energies.
Arcane Armor TrainingYou have learned how to cast spells while wearing armor.
Arcane StrikeYou draw upon your arcane power to enhance your weapons with magical energy.
Armor Focus You have focused your training on a particular category of armor.
Armor SpecializationYour specialized type of armor better protects you and is easier to wear.
Armor ProficiencyYou gain proficiency with a category of armor.
Awakened AnimusYou can use mental power to modulate the roiling energies within your soul.
Blind-FightReroll miss chance due to concealmeant and reduce vision-related penalties.
Blind ShotReroll miss chance for ranged attacks and reduce vision-related penalties.
Chakric CriticalYou can focus your essence to grant you more precise and deadly critical strikes.
Combat ExpertiseYou are adept at defending yourself in battle.
Essence ExpertiseYou can focus your essence to grant yourself enhanced defenses.
Horde DefenseYou have trained to fight against a horde of enemies.
Improved DisarmYou are skilled at knocking weapons from a foe’s grasp.
Greater DisarmYou can knock weapons far from an enemy’s grasp.
Improved FeintYou are adept at feinting in combat.
Blurring FeintYou can use diffused akasha to make your form appear hazy.
Greater FeintYou are skilled at making foes overreact to your feints.
Psionic FeintA flash of insight allows you to quickly throw your opponent off balance.
Improved RepositionYou have learned how to force your enemies to move around the battlefield.
Improved TripYou are adept at knocking down your enemies in battle.
Greater TripYou can make free attacks on foes that you knock down.
Selfless DefenderYou can defend others at your own expense.
Combat ReflexesYour trained reflexes allow you to strike at every opening an opponent gives you.
Hold The LineYou can make attacks of opportunity against an opponent that charges you.
Strike At the HeartGain attack of opportunity against readied actions.
Whirlwind AttackYou quickly strike all enemies around you.
Maelstrom AttackYou strike all nearby enemies multiple times.
Critical FocusYou are trained in the art of causing pain.
Bleeding CriticalYour critical hits cause opponents to bleed profusely.
Deadly AimYou can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by pinpointing a foe’s weak spot.
Chakric TargetingYou can focus your essence to grant yourself enhanced ranged attacks.
Discipline Style MasteryYou can use one discipline style at the same time as another fighting style.
DisruptiveYour training makes it difficult for enemy spellcasters to safely cast spells near you.
SpellbreakerYou can strike at enemy spellcasters who fail to cast defensively when you threaten them.
DodgeYou receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class.
Elusive TargetYou duck and weave constantly, your fluid motions making you difficult to target.
Evasive OffensiveBy ducking, weaving, and distracting your foes, you are able to defend yourself in battle.
Improved Evasive OffensiveYou improve your ability to avoid attacks in combat.
MobilityYou easily evade attacks as move across the battlefield.
Evasive RollYou can defensively roll to evade attacks.
Shot On The RunYou use your mobility to avoid enemies while shooting at them.
Spring AttackYou use your mobility to attack then quickly escape.
Springing AssaultYou use your mobility to attack, leaving a path of destruction in your wake.
Psionic Dodge You are proficient at dodging blows.
Sidestep ChargeYou are skilled at dodging opponents and taking advantage when they miss.
Essence-Bound DisciplineYou can channel akasha to improve your skill with a chosen martial discipline.
Extra AnimusYour reserves of animus are stronger.
Far ShotYou have good accuracy, even at long range.
Fatal StrikeYour strongest attacks are more likely to slay your foes.
Flow of BattleYou can reallocate essence when you enter a martial stance or initiate a maneuver.
Fuse StylesYou are capable of mingling mundane and martial combat styles with your ki.
Improved CriticalDouble critical threat range of a chosen weapon.
Critical RefocusYour critical hits recharge your expended psionic focus.
Improved Damage ThresholdYou are more resistant to massive damage.
Improved InitiativeGain a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
Improved ResolveYou are able to withstand greater damage before faltering.
Improved Unarmed StrikeYour unarmed strikes deal lethal damage and deal more damage.
Deflect ArrowsYou may deflect attacks from ranged weapons.
Snatch ArrowsYou can snatch ranged attacks right out of the air.
Driving PunchWhen charging, your punch deals increased damage.
Feral Combat TrainingYou were taught a style of martial arts that relies on your natural weapons.
Greater Unarmed StrikeYour unarmed strikes deal increased damage.
Hex StrikeChanting and cursing, you put a hex on your enemy as part of your unarmed strike.
Improved GrappleGain +2 on Grapple checks and negate the attack of opportunity.
Greater GrappleMaintaining a grapple is second nature to you.
Knockout PunchYou learn to take an opponent out with one punch.
Improved Knockout PunchYou your knockout punch deals considerably more damage.
Street FighterYour penchant for street fighting has taught you how to get in a dirty strike.
Improved Street FighterYou've incorporated dirty fighting into all of your attacks.
Stunning FistYou know just where to strike to temporarily stun a foe.
Iron GripYou easily wield larger weapons without difficulty, swinging them about with ease.
Steel GripYou can wield larger weapons as easily as if they were made for you.
Let Them ComeYou may brace any melee weapon against a charge.
ManyshotLoose multiple arrows with a single attack.
Greater ManyshotYou are skilled at firing many arrows at once, even at different opponents.
Martial Arts TrainingYou learn and can ready new martial techniques.
Recover ManeuverRecover your expended maneuvers in the middle of battle.
Martial PowerYou are able to call upon reserves of untapped power within yourself for defense.
Monastic LegacyYour formal unarmed training continues to bolster your training in other areas.
Mounted CombatYou are able to protect your mount in battle.
Mounted ArcheryYou have adapted to shooting your bow while riding.
Ride-By AttackYou may charge past foes while mounted, attacking them as you move.
Spirited ChargeWhen riding a charging mount, your attacks deal greater damage.
Strike from on HighMake an attack of opportunity when attacked while mounted.
TrampleYou have trained your mount to stomp enemies into the ground.
My Enemies Will FallEach attack that fails to kill an enemy grants bonus damage.
Power AttackYou can trade accuracy for increased weapon damage.
Chakric PowerYou can focus your essence to grant yourself enhanced attacks.
CleaveYour powerful attacks can cut through more than one opponent.
Cleave ThroughYou can take a 5-ft. step while cleaving through opponents.
Great CleaveYour powerful swings can tear through multiple enemies.
Storm RisingYou gain attack bonuses on successful cleave attacks.
Whirlwind CleaveYou cleave through enemies with wild abandon.
Improved Bull RushGain +2 on Bull Rush checks and negate the attack of opportunity.
Awesome BlowYou use your size and strength to knock enemies away.
Greater Bull RushYour bull rush attacks throw enemies off balance.
Takedown RushKnock down your foe after a bull rush.
Wrathful BlowYou can knock away opponents with a powerful attack.
Improved DragYou are skilled at dragging foes around the battlefield.
Greater DragFoes that you drag are thrown out of balance.
Improved OverrunYou are skilled at running down your foes.
Greater OverrunEnemies must dive to avoid your dangerous move.
Improved SunderYou are skilled at damaging your foes’ weapons and armor.
Focused Sunder You can sense the stress points on others' weapons.
Greater SunderYour strikes smash through weapons and armor, damaging the item and its wielder alike.
Momentum ChargeYour charge attack deals more damage the farther you move.
Reckless RageYour boundless rage grants your blows extra strength, though at the expense of accuracy.
Precise ShotYou can shoot into melee without suffering an attack penalty.
Improved Precise ShotYour ranged attacks pierce cover and concealment and have increased accuracy.
Greater Precise ShotYou can shoot through cover and concealment without issue and are accurate at extreme range.
Quick DrawYou can quickly draw sheathed weapons.
Radiant ProgressionBy aligning yourself with the sun, you can gain powerful effects.
Rapid ReloadYou reload crossbows much more quickly than normal.
Crossbow MasteryYou can load crossbows with blinding speed and fire them with little fear of reprisal.
Rapid ShotYou loose arrows with incredible speed.
Double TapYou can rapidly shoot a crossbow twice as a single action.
Snap ShotWith a ranged weapon, you can take advantage of any opening in your opponent’s defenses.
Stabbing ShotYou can clear the way to continue using your bow.
Reckless Offense You can shift your focus from defense to offense.
Shield ProficiencyYou become proficient with shields.
Improved Shield BashRetain shield bonus to armor class when making a shield bash attack.
Tower Shield ProficiencyYou become proficient with tower shields.
Stand Still You can prevent foes from fleeing or closing.
Sympathetic Rage Seeing an ally rage fills you with your own fury.
Tap AnimusYou gain the ability to tap a small wellspring of animus within you.
Two-Weapon FightingYou are skilled at fighting with a weapon in each hand.
Double SliceYour off-hand weapon while dual-wielding strikes with greater power.
Improved Two-Weapon FightingYou are very skilled at fighting with a weapon in each hand.
Greater Two-Weapon FightingYour skill at fighting with two weapons is unparalleled.
Two-Weapon RendYou deal extra damage when hitting with two or more different weapons.
Multiweapon FightingYou are able to fight effectively with multiple weapons.
Vital StrikeYou make a single attack that deals significantly more damage than normal.
Improved Vital StrikeYou can make a single attack that deals a large amount of damage.
Greater Vital Strike You can make a single attack that deals incredible damage.
Warrior's FocusGain a second psionic focus just for Warrior's Path abilities.
Weapon FinesseYou are able to place strikes with deadly accuracy.
Weapon FocusYou gain an attack and damage bonus with weapons of a particular type.
Greater Weapon FocusYour attack and damage bonus with a type of weapon improves.
Weapon SpecializationDeal increased damage with a chosen weapon.
Greater Weapon SpecializationDeal even greater damage with the selected weapon.
Weapon ProficiencyYou gain proficiency with a weapon group or exotic weapon.